Caught My Eye…

You don’t win a debate by suppressing discussion; you win it with a better argument. – Frank Sonnenberg

Welcome to another exciting edition of Caught My Eye (CME).

CME is the once a week column that is posted here every Friday morning. This is when I take a look at some of the stories I did not have time to write about during the week. There may be some sarcasm and pointed independent commentary so be warned!

Here are the topics that “Caught My Eye” this week:

  • Dumb vs Dumber Update
  • Voting by Mail
  • The Military & Trump
  • One More Thing


In Monday’s column, I wrote about a Missoula County District Judge John Larson, who was substituting for a Cascade County District Judge in Great Falls, finding a man who was called for jury duty in contempt for not wearing a mask. He sentenced the man to jail for 24 hours. I said the Judge should have fined him.

I then wrote about rookie Cascade County Sheriff Jesse Slaughter issuing a news release criticizing Larson for holding the man in contempt of court for refusing to wear a mask.

I finished the column by writing, “In this situation Judge Larson is dumb and Sheriff Slaughter is dumber.”

Later in the week, Great Falls City Commissioner Rick Tryon penned a column for the E-City Beat titled, “Lefty Blogger Mike Brown Calls Sheriff Slaughter ‘Dumb’ & ‘Rookie’”

You can read “Righty” Tryon’s column HERE.

For the record, I said Slaughter was “dumber” not “dumb.”

As for the “rookie” remark, Slaughter is in his first term as sheriff and he never held the position before, so he is a rookie just as Tryon, who is in his first (and hopefully last) term as city commissioner is a rookie.

Rookie – a person who is new to an organization or an activity. (Source)

Tryon goes on to write:

Brown sitting around on his arrogant butt, behind his keyboard criticizing a lifelong law enforcement professional like Sheriff Slaughter, calling him ‘rookie’, would be laughable if it weren’t so pathetic and inappropriate.

As I was reading Tryon’s column out loud to family and friends, the following line had tears of laughter rolling down our cheeks:

Brown just comes off as an ignorant, lazy jackass for implying otherwise.

Thank you! I’ve been blogging since 2005, so nothing much bothers me in the name-calling department.

I voted for Slaughter, but in this situation, he messed up, as did the judge.

I also voted for Tryon one time and after he lost a close race to Tracy Houck (whom I also voted for) he, to use his own words, acted pathetic and inappropriate. I decided to never honor him with my vote again.


MTN News reported this week that the Trump campaign, national Republicans and the Montana Republican Party filed suit Wednesday to overturn Gov. Steve Bullock’s August order allowing Montana counties to conduct the Nov. 3 election with mail ballots.

That, my friends, is an attempt to suppress your vote.

We used voting by mail totally for the June 2 primary here in Montana. It was a record-high turnout. I heard of no fraud.

Now almost 40 of the 56 Montana counties want to use vote by mail in November, but the Republicans are afraid that more people voting will hurt their candidates.

Trump is destroying the GOP.


I voluntarily joined the military partially because of the way Ronald Reagan honored those in uniform. The 2020 Presidential election may be decided by those wearing the uniform.

A new poll shows active-duty troops are flocking to Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden just two months before the November election. Just over 41 percent of those military personnel surveyed by Military Times say, if the election were held today, they would cast a ballot for the former Democratic vice president. Slightly more than 37 percent say they would vote for the president.

Trump had almost a 20 point lead over Hillary Clinton in the same poll in 2016.

If a new report from The Atlantic is any indication, the military (and veterans) may never care for Trump again.

Multiple sources tell The Atlantic that the president has repeatedly disparaged the intelligence of service members, and asked that wounded veterans be kept out of military parades.

Trump canceled a visit to Aisne-Marne American Cemetery near Paris in 2018 telling aides, “Why should I go to that cemetery? It’s filled with losers.”

The Atlantic also found that on the same trip, Trump referred to the more than 1,800 Marines who lost their lives at Belleau Wood as “suckers” for getting killed.

We all remember Trump talking about the late Senator John McCain, “He’s not a war hero. I like people who weren’t captured.”

It turns my stomach that someone like Trump can become President. Shame on us.

Read the full story from The Atlantic HERE.


For this Nation to remain true to its principles, we cannot allow any American’s vote to be denied, diluted, or defiled. The right to vote is the crown jewel of American liberties, and we will not see its luster diminished. – Ronald Reagan

Make sure you register and vote!

Click HERE to register!

## END ##

8 thoughts on “Caught My Eye…

  1. You missed the very best part of Rick’s original screed, the last paragraph where he takes you to task “for being a do-nothing, armchair critic of others who are actually on the front lines doing the hard work of public service” … while the archives of the artcle’s blog and the Internet in general are full of opinions from him doing exactly that, before he finally won office.

    Keep up the good work here. Informative and well-written blog.

  2. Rick went off again today. Chose baseball for his example of what determines a rookie. Got that wrong too. When someone sends him a link to your blog again maybe he will look it up. I am one of your two or three readers by the way.

    • Bill – Haha. Thanks. I was wondering who the other reader was besides my wife! – JmB

  3. Pingback: Blogger Defends Calling Sheriff 'Rookie' & 'Dumber' - Tryon Responds | E-City Beat

  4. Jackie, I guess I have been misled and glad loud mouth Rick Tryon sat the record straight. However I recall you worked for a fairly conservative U.S. Senator and now I find you were probably just sitting on your behind. Were you one of the deep state guys? After reading your blog for a long time you come across as a middle of the road guy that loves county and family and hates Iowa but is thrilled by Chief football. I think maybe Mr. Tryon might be watching a bit to much Donald Trump and Fox News. Well I thought maybe I would have to delete you from my morning reading after being misled by you. But hell what a dull day it would be if I only read everything I agree with. For some reason I missed all those flaming leftists articles he claims you wrote. Must of been the day my internet was down. Have a great Labor Day because it is still a great county and always was no matter what some people claim. I fought in Vietnam my uncles in Korea and WW II and my grandfather in WW I so these guys have freedom of speech. Keep up the good work!

  5. good blog Mike. I will not vote for President Trump or anyone who supports him. I am beginning to think the President is so seriously deranged that he should be detained as a threat to public safety. How many unnecessary deaths should be tolerated? These are real people with real loved ones who are suffering. Have we no heart?

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