The Wednesday Read: DACA & School Crossing Guards

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work. – Thomas A. Edison

Today I provide independent commentary about the following items for this edition of The Wednesday Read:

  • DACA – My View
  • Caution Children Crossing

DACA – My View:

Yesterday the Trump Administration announced they were rescinding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

The DACA program was for undocumented children who were brought into the United States before their 16th birthday. Reports say there are about 800,000 in the USA. Under DACA they could get a work permit and not be deported. They had to be law-abiding.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions made the announcement for the administration, saying, “I am here today to announce that the program known as DACA that was effectuated under the Obama Administration is being rescinded.”

Sessions would not take questions. He did say things like,” Therefore, the nation must set and enforce a limit on how many immigrants we admit each year and that means all can not be accepted.”

The Trump Administration then put the ball in Congress’ court. Sessions said the Administration will begin a “wind down process” that will “create a time period for Congress to act—should it so choose.”

I think Congress should act. They should make DACA permanent. Sometimes Presidents use their executive powers to force Congress to do their job. In some ways, both Barack Obama and Donald Trump are doing just that with DACA. Congress needs to act on this quickly to give those who fall under DACA a future and less worry.

What I did not like was the chicken%$#@ way the Trump Administration went about their announcement. It’s OK for Trump to put AG Sessions out there to make the announcement, but it was cowardly for him not to take questions and defend and clarify the Administration’s stand.

Caution Children Crossing:

I guess Pullman (Washington) School District (@PullmanSD) decided the air quality was too poor to allow their school crossing guards to work Tuesday afternoon, although school was in session. The Pullman Police Department sent this tweet to let people know:

I guess they want to protect those crossing guards at all cost…

