Tuesday’s Quick Hits

Greetings! Here are the topics for today’s column:

  • Busse/Gianforte Debate?
  • CI-128
  • 2024’s Most Patriotic States in America


According to a press release from the Busse for Governor campaign, former firearms executive Ryan Busse announced he has accepted an invitation to debate New Jersey billionaire Greg Gianforte, and challenged the unpopular governor to face off in “ten more” gubernatorial debates between now and Election Day.

Busse confirmed his participation in a televised debate proposed for October 7. The 7 p.m. debate, sponsored by Montana PBS, Montana Public Radio, Yellowstone Public Radio and Lee Newspapers, is expected to be broadcast statewide. It is unclear whether Gianforte plans to participate.

It would be a shame if Gianforte did not debate Busse.


I signed the petition to get CI-128 on the ballot in Montana and urge my readers to also sign the petition. Hurry up – the deadline is June 21.

CI-128 would amend the Montana Constitution to expressly provide a right to make and carry out decisions about one’s own pregnancy, including the right to abortion. It would prohibit the government from denying or burdening the right to abortion before fetal viability. It would also prohibit the government from denying or burdening access to an abortion when a treating healthcare professional determines it is medically indicated to protect the pregnant patient’s life or health. CI-128 prevents the government from penalizing patients, healthcare providers, or anyone who assists someone in exercising their right to make and carry out voluntary decisions about their pregnancy.

More information can be found HERE.


The latest report from WalletHub…

There are many different ways to express patriotism, from hanging up a flag or attending a parade to voting, joining the military or actively working to improve conditions for your fellow Americans. Being a patriot means loving your country and its people while also recognizing its flaws and striving to make it the best it can be. And there’s no better time to get into the spirit of patriotism than July 4th, the most patriotic day of the year.

In order to determine where Americans have the most red, white and blue pride on Independence Day and during the rest of the year, WalletHub compared the states across 13 key indicators of patriotism. Our data set ranges from the state’s military enlistees and veterans to the share of adults who voted in the 2020 presidential election to AmeriCorps volunteers per capita.

Montana was ranked as the third most patriotic state. Here is what WalletHub had to say about Montana:

Montana is the third-most patriotic state, in part because it has a large voter turnout. 73.5% of the state’s voting population turned out for the 2020 presidential election, and nearly 46% voted in the primary that year (the highest primary turnout in the country).
Montana also has a lot of residents who volunteer for the Peace Corps and Americorps, and over 31% of residents volunteer for some sort of organization in general. For comparison, in more than half of the states, the volunteer rate is below 25%.
In addition, Montana has 104 veterans for every 1,000 civilians, the fourth-highest number in the country.

WalletHub also reported that blue states were more patriotic than red states.

Check out the full report HERE.

## THE END ##

3 thoughts on “Tuesday’s Quick Hits

  1. Good Morning Jackie,

    Its a little bit off topic from your commentary, but I think it fits in with the above discussion of a modern view of “patriotism”

    I point again to our august Attorney General who is again going far afield of his responsibilities to all of the citizens of Montana. First, he is in the process of trying to formalize an appeal to the US Supreme Court the decision of the Montana Supreme Court regarding legislation passed to limit voting in Montana relating to same day registration, college id’s etc. This in an envoironment where the Republican party swept virtually political races in the last election and are probably bound to do the same. Whose agenda on the “unitary lagislature” is Knudson pushing?


    Simultaneously, he is seeking to join a number of other MAGA attorneys general in meddling in the “gag order” situation in Trump’s documents case in Florida. We have already seen how Trump performs during trial proceedings, pushing every limit to attack people who are, by lot or employment or familial relation, have some connection to a legal process. What, in the name of heaven does this action do to benefit the Montana taxpayers who are footing the bill for this activity?


    Our AG is continung to careen out of control with his disdain for the jury system and the legal processes that he, as the Chief Legal Officer for Montana has sworn to protect and defend. He seems to believe that he can ignore anything that he deems “silly.”

    What a sad day for the law-abiding citizens of Montana.

    • Great points all. Thanks. His biggest problem may be the recruitment of his primary opponent. We’ll see if anyone has the guts to prosecute him. -JmB

  2. How to gauge patriotism any more? It’s complicated. If you love your country, you’ve gotta love all of it, the good and the bad. It’s patria, in total. When I ask MAGAs what they love about our country, they can’t answer. Or they simply say something stupid like freedom. Simplistic nonsense like that means nothing. Fortunately for us here in Montana, there’s still much to love. If I lived in east LA, it would be harder for me to sing the country’s praises. But even there, it’s still a great country with all its flaws.

    Interesting thoughts on patriotism in the era of trump.


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