Caught My Eye…

Congratulations! We made it to Friday!  Here are the topics for today’s column:

  • Biden/Trump Debate Recap
  • Bible Study in Oklahoma
  • Lauren Boebert


After the debate, someone on Twitter said the easiest way to decide this election is to give Trump and Biden Roku remotes. The first one who can start a movie can be the President. Yes, it was that bad. The jokes were pretty good, though.

Democrats across the fruited plains should be worrying about the debate performance of President Joe Biden. By most accounts, he was soundly beaten by former President Donald Trump last night during a 90-minute debate on CNN.

Biden supposedly had a cold that affected his voice, and several times he seemed to forget what he was talking about. He looked tired. He looked very old. At times it was cringeworthy.

As for Trump, he told several lies but he was never fact-checked when he did. The format worked pretty good as there were few interruptions.

I won’t be voting for Trump. He may beat Biden in a debate, but I do not think he deserves to be President again.

The Democrats need to decide if they are going to stick with Biden or find someone else to run for President. Drudge posted a poll asking who should replace Biden. After the performance Thursday night, I don’t see a way for Biden to win and, if he stays on the ticket, the Democrats may lose the U.S. Senate and not regain the majority in the U.S. House.  

So now we let the spin begin.

You can read reports on the debate from Reuters HERE. The Associated Press HERE.

You can read some Fact Checks HERE and HERE.


In case you missed it, Oklahoma’s top education official ordered public schools Thursday to incorporate the Bible into lessons for grades 5 through 12, the latest effort by conservatives to incorporate religion into classrooms.

I don’t see how this order will fly. It’s the separation of church and state thing. Then again, stranger things have happened.

Check out the full report from the Associated Press HERE.


The Colorado Sun is reporting that U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert decisively won the six-way Republican primary Tuesday night in Colorado’s 4th Congressional District, making her reelection to Congress highly likely despite nearly two years of embarrassing personal and political turmoil.  The race was called by The Associated Press at 7:21 p.m., shortly after polls closed at 7 p.m. when Boebert had 43% of the vote. She kept that share through the night.

It looks like she will win in November, too. The Sun reported that because of how favorable the 4th District is to Republicans, Boebert is the overwhelming favorite to win in November.

Is this a great country or what?


7 thoughts on “Caught My Eye…

  1. Things are certainly going Donald Trump way,even more so then Biden’s terrible terrible performance last night. The U.S. Supreme Court gave Trump more good news today overturning a January 6 rioter’s sentence which will no doubt benefit his own January 6 case. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Court gives him immunity on Monday. The Supreme Court today also made homeless a crime allowing cities to ban camping and sleeping in public places, this will have huge ramifications in most Western states. So now cities will be able to fine and jail homeless people who already have no where to go and doesn’t require cities to provide any shelters. This ruling won’t end homeless but will no doubt embode the MEGA city councils to throw the book at the down and out of humanity,by sweeping the cities of the homeless and run them out of town. Kalispell is well on the way to this,as most members of the city council there don’t want to renew the warning shelter contract for this next winter. It sounds like the Great Falls city fathers dislike the homeless also. The most liberal city in Montana just this past week Missoula passed a very restricted camping in public areas ordinance. Watching to old men who both should have retired years ago from public life basically on national TV in so called debate looked like a fight over the remote at a senior center didn’t really say the best for democracy in a nation of 300 + million citizens. We are so use to Trump’s lies we all could list them off last night before he did. But he was able to pull off he was in control and stable. Biden was lost from get go. It doesn’t matter if his campaign spin was one bad night, it’s cemented now in everyone’s mind what the right has been selling for months that Biden’s has lost his mind. There is really no come back from that. But remember both Trump and Biden are old stubborn men. So no way is Biden going to drop out and of course Trump will go on lying and now probably win in November. So sad we as a nation couldn’t do better

      • Kind of. Until the press starts doing their job. This is an hilarious fact check of the debate. MAGA cult members need not watch.

      • No matter how many lies Trump told, Biden still had a bad night.
        I do wish there had been more factchecks. CNN’s Daniel Dale is one of the best. -JmB

    • This falls into the category of be careful what you ask for. Now these cities will rush to arrest and then be on the hook for housing feeding and medical care for their new inmates until their trial because they are homeless and can’t make bail! I’m sure they will pay their misdemeanor fine too!l
      Who knows what the final result will be, but it won’t be cheap by any stretch of the imagination. Are’nt we all happy with a court packed by the Federalist Society and Leonard Leo.

  2. This lie from last night is particularly galling. How any veteran could vote for this guy is beyond me. This lie pretty much captures the essence of Trump. He knows his base as well as any good con man. They are suckers and losers. And in a certain sense he’s right. He continually insults them to their face and yet they still love the guy. It’s good to be MAGA stupid. They’re oblivious.

  3. That wasn’t a debate. Trump said nothing. He answered no questions. And when he did answer, it was the same response for every question regardless of what the topic was. It was pathetic.

    Joe did his best, but the Dems should have known what Trump would pull. I’m sure the MAGAs were thrilled with Trump’s performance, for it was exactly like his ridiculous rallies which they love. The end result is that now, we are in real trouble. Admittedly, it was a masterful performance by Trump. It could turn out to be the world’s greatest con. And for that, the entire world is screwed. Thanks Dems!

    Some analysis of the debates.

What do you think?