The Wednesday Read

Welcome! Here are the topics for today’s column:

  • Juneteenth
  • Jon Tester’s Prius
  • Voting By Mail
  • One More Thing


Today (June 19) is Juneteenth, officially Juneteenth National Independence Day, is a federal holiday in the United States. It is celebrated annually on June 19 to commemorate the ending of slavery in the United States. The holiday’s name is a portmanteau of the words “June” and “nineteenth”, as it was on June 19, 1865, when Major General Gordon Granger ordered the final enforcement of the Emancipation Proclamation in Texas at the end of the American Civil War. (Source)

More information can be found HERE.


According to the Huffington Post, U.S. Senator Jon Tester (D-MT) on Monday slammed national Republicans for mocking the car he uses to get around Washington: a red Toyota Prius. “What a bunch of jackasses,” Tester said in response to a press release from the National Republican Senatorial Committee that called Tester’s choice of vehicle a “bombshell.” (Source)

Most people who follow politics closely know that Montana’s junior Senator, Steve Daines, is chair of the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) – the group that put out the press release. Daines’ minion, Jason Theilman, was placed in the NRSC as Executive Director – a position that is way over his head.

Many of these positions don’t look at experience, but who you know or who you have as a relative.

After this election is over and the Democrats retain the majority in the Senate, Daines and his minions should fade into obscurity.


Many of the MAGA nutjobs screamed about voting by mail being insecure and even their leader (Donald Trump) had suggested the 2020 election should be postponed, claiming mail-in voting this year will result in the “most INACCURATE & FRAUDULENT Election in history.” (Source)

I’ve seen many MAGA nutjobs post things about mail-in voting being insecure.

Most of us normal people know the MAGA folks are full of shit.

Earlier this year, Trump changed his tune:

CBS News reported in April that former President Donald Trump announced a major change in a long-held position, and it’s one that could boost his numbers at the ballot box this fall.

With little fanfare, in a post on Truth Social last Friday evening, Trump urged supporters to use early and absentee voting methods.  


I recently subscribed to the Helena Independent Record. It cost me $1.00 for six months. I see that other Lee Newspapers have the same deal. Six months takes me past election day. Lee Newspapers does a great job covering Montana politics, although Holly won’t follow me on X.

Lee Newspapers has tightened its paywall so it’s hard to read articles without a subscription. A dollar for six months during an election year is a great deal. (Source)

## THE END ##

3 thoughts on “The Wednesday Read

  1. It calls for a shrug and a head-shake to see the activities of the far-right extremists who have purged the GOP of anyone left with some degree of rationality and honesty. They have fabricated lies about virtually every significant issue facing our democracy, yet can win only a minority of legislative or executive offices, even in otherwise red states. So, since they can’t win the vote, they loudly claim fraud and “rigged process” (without facts or evidence), and try frantically to commit exactly the fraud and rigging of which they accuse their opponents. To their dismay, they find that the security and oversight of the election process is actually very effective, and they get nailed time and again. Their last-ditch efforts to control even one of the three branches of constitutional government consist of every way they can think of to prevent responsible citizens from even voting at all. That’s not just reprehensible, it’s pathetic.

    I have voted in every election, local, state, and national, since 1966. I prefer to vote for a good candidate, but it may be even more important to vote against a bad candidate. It concerns me, though, when I realize that there have been more bad candidates in the past few years. Might be that they’re breeding behind the woodwork, like roaches. The thought prompts an image that seems pretty appropriate, don’t you think?

  2. Oh I dunno. Jackasses seems to me to be a pretty accurate moniker for lil Stevie Daines and his MAGA party. Like that old TV show Jackass, ya just gotta marvel at the creativity of their jackassery. How do they come up with new material every week? I mean, they’re making jackassery an art form! Oh sure, you could call them idiots, morons, trumpers, etc. But nothing implies willful ignorance like jackass, a guy who revels in his own stupidity and loves to share it with others. In fact, it’s a thing of pride for them! Daines wears it like that goofy little smirky smile on his face.

    Need proof? Well, they found a guy to run against Tester who shot himself, then didn’t shoot himself, then lied about it, then lied about lying about it to a freakin’ federal park ranger! And a medical doctor! He even lied about his military record! Who the hell does that?! A guy who lied about growing up rural, and a guy who crashed his plane into a guy’s house! (Warning, do not try this stunt at home. Tim is a professional jackass.). He lied about his business being solvent in spite of the fact it was broke! And he continuously lies about Tester not being a “real” Montanan! Or not being a dirt farmer! The truth is as foreign to him as he is to Montana!

    But Jon need not worry about this latest attack, for Tall Tale Timmy already has the jackass vote locked up. If there’s enough real Montanans left in this state, he should do just fine. It’s all gonna come down to demographics.

    Jon is the real deal. Anyone who’s ever been to Big Sandy knows that. Actually, ya don’t get much more real Montana than that!

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