Tuesday’s Quick Hits

Greetings! Here are the topics for today’s column:

  • Campaign (Volunteer) Season
  • Happy Birthday, Rudy
  • Trump Hush Money Trial
  • One More Thing


I had campaign workers/volunteers drop off literature at my house in the past few days. They were all for Republicans. I don’t normally debate with the volunteers, but if an actual candidate appears, I will debate them – and they will lose.

Those campaign visits got me thinking about volunteering on a campaign. I urge everyone to find a candidate they like and contact them to volunteer. I think everyone should volunteer on a campaign at least once to see how the process works. Who knows, it may lead to bigger things down the road.


NBC News is reporting that Arizona’s Democratic Attorney General Kris Mayes on Friday announced that Rudy Giuliani had been served with the notice of his indictment in connection with an alleged conspiracy to overturn the 2020 election results in Arizona.
The announcement came less than two hours after a social media post from Giuliani taunted Mayes for failing to deliver his indictment. The notice was served to Giuliani during a Palm Beach, Florida celebration for his 80th birthday.

It’s amazing how far Giuliani has fallen from being America’s Mayor. Now the New York Post is reporting that he is selling his own brand of coffee:

Former New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani launched a coffee brand on Monday as he attempts to climb out from a mountain of debt and fight multiple criminal indictments.
For $29.99, two pounds of the “finest beans imaginable” can be yours, according to Giuliani.
“If I put my name on something, I truly believe in it,” the 79-year-old said in a promotional video touting his three different blends of “Rudy Coffee.”

Bless your heart, Rudy.


The Associated Press (AP) has been doing a decent job in covering the trial and has a “What we have learned so far” article posted HERE.

At the beginning of the trial, I thought that Trump was surely headed for a conviction, because of his “fixer” Michael Cohen being a key witness for the prosecution.

But now I am not so sure that Trump will be convicted on any count in this trial because of “fixer” Michael Cohen’s testimony.

Cohen was on the witness stand what seemed forever and I thought he would do better because he was an attorney. From what I have read, he was pretty beaten up by Trump’s lawyers and I have my doubts that anyone on the jury believed anything he said.

I am about 50/50 on Trump being convicted.

If Trump is found not guilty, it will give him momentum and possibly catapult him to a win in November. All the MAGAs know that Trump is fighting this fight so they won’t have to.


Here are the lyrics that are stuck in my head today…

Once upon a time you dressed so fine
Threw the bums a dime in your prime, didn’t you?
People call say ‘beware doll, you’re bound to fall’
You thought they were all kidding you
You used to laugh about
Everybody that was hanging out
Now you don’t talk so loud
Now you don’t seem so proud
About having to be scrounging your next meal
How does it feel, how does it feel?
To be without a home
Like a complete unknown, like a rolling stone

-Like a Rolling Stone (Bob Dylan) (Video)

## END ##

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